dilluns, 18 de maig del 2020



Let's go back few years ago.
You can take pictures of the day that your sons and daughters were born and you can tell them what happened... What was the weather, if you were expecting a girl or a boy, feelings of parents, siblings, grandparents... Anecdotes that you remember about this special day!
Then you can tell them why you chose his or her name and you can look up the meaning.
Finally, you can write, draw, make with plasticine or newspaper cuttings... Your name! 
Surely you'll have a great deal!
Avui tornarem alguns anys enrere.
Podeu agafar fotografies del dia que van nèixer els vostres fills i filles i els hi podeu explicar el que va passar... quin temps feia, si esperàveu que fos un nin o una nina, còm vos sentieu els pares, germans o padrins... anècdotes que segurament recordareu d' aquest dia tan especial!
Després els hi podeu contar perquè vareu triar el seu nom i podeu cercar el significat.
Finalment, podeu escriure, dibuixar, fer amb plastina o amb retalls de diari... el seu nom!
Segur que ho passareu molt bé!

The idea while doing this activity is just introducing some English words such as:
- when you talk about feelings: happy, sad, wonderful...
- when you talk about the weather: was it cloudy? was it sunny? was it windy?...
- when you finish your name: you can ask the question What's your name?
La idea mentres feis aquesta activitat és anar introduint algunes paraules en anglès com, per  exemple:
- quan parlau sobre els sentiments: content, trist, meravellós...
- quan parlau sobre el temps: estava ennuvolat? feia sol? feia vent?
- quan acabeu la manualitat del nom: podeu fer la pregunta Què noms?

Will you send me a picture?😄 You cand send them to my mail mavargas@fassers.org I would be pleased to receive them!!!
M' enviareu una fotografia?😄💗 Les podeu enviar al meu correu mavargas@fassers.org Estaria encantada de rebre les vostres fotografies i veurer-vos!!!

As you know, if you've got any doubt, don't hesitate to contact your teacher on
Com ja sabeu, si teniu qualsevol dubte, vos podeu posar en contacte amb la vostra mestra a 

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