dilluns, 15 de juny del 2020

NURSERY: 3, 4 & 5

Hello children!
Hola nins i nines!

This is our last week. This has been a very special course in which you have learned great lessons at school and with your family! You have been authentic super heroes!
Aquesta és la nostra darrera setmana. Ha estat un curs molt especial en el que heu après grans lliçons a l'escola i amb la vostra família! Heu estat autèntics super herois!

Let's end this course singing and dancing with our friend Cheeky Monkey! (I know some of you are singing and dancing to this song very well! 😊)
Acabem aquest curs cantant i ballant al costat del nostre amic Cheeky Monkey! (Sé que alguns de vosaltres ja cantau i ballau aquesta cançó molt bé!😊)

Just to wish you all a wonderful summer and have a great time! You deserve it more than ever!
Només desitjar-vos un estiu meravellós i que ho passeu molt bé! Vos ho mereixeu més que mai!

Take care 😍

If you need to contact your teacher don't hesitate to contact me on
Si necessitau contactar amb la vostra mestra no dubteu en fer-ho a

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